Thursday, February 28, 2008

Beautiful Greenway Built in 2 Years, 3 Months


Ann Arbor has an opportunity to create a Greenway in the Allen Creek corridor and recapture the rich history that existed at the turn of the century. This video shows what a determined city half way around the world did to create excitement and eliminate serious environmental problems for their citizens.

Byoung-Suk Kweon, Ph.D. joined the UofM Faculty in the Fall 2007, moving here from Texas A&M University. She provides a short introduction (click here) for this amazing project completed over a 2 year, 3 month time frame! 

For a larger version of the film click here. Video courtesy of Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Majora Carter, a MacArthur awardee, gave a presentation last year about another greenway--the South Bronx Greenway

Atlanta's greenway: The Beltline and it's connection to The Silver Comet trail system.

The proposed Ann Arbor Greenway

1 comment:

lou glorie said...

This shows the power of civic will to create a livable city. Also, the community-created art (ceramic tiles) on one of the walls was another means to reinforce the public ownership of this space. The city of Seoul spent 4,000 hours consulting with shop keepers! It is as if Seoul got its soul back. Lou