Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ann Arbor Employee Car Allowances

In our effort to help the city identify some areas where cost reduction could occur without cutting citizens services I asked my Council member if he could supply a list of the city employees that receive a monthly car allowance. The following table is the information that we received.

Detail Earnings by Employee
City of Ann Arbor Master Company
Select: Company is CAA - City of Ann Arbor and Earnings Code is CAR
Sort Order: Service Area(Asc), Service Unit(Asc)
Pay Period Range: 201104010 - 201104309
City AttorneyCity AttorneyPostema, Stephen K.$330.00
City AdministratorCity AdministratorFraser, Roger W.$400.00
Community Services&nbspParks & RecreationStraw, Jeffrey D.$200.00
Community Services Parks & RecreationSmith, Colin$200.00
Community ServicesPlanning & DevelopBahl, Sumedh$300.00
Community ServicesPlanning & DevelopWelton Jr., Ralph R.$150.00
DD AgenDDAPollay, Susan$315.63
Finance & AdminCity AssessorCourtney, Michael S.$180.00
Finance & AdminCity AssessorWeber, Annette M.$180.00
Finance & AdminCity AssessorForner, Patricia R.$180.00
Finance & AdminCity AssessorBalogh, Amy$180.00
Finance & AdminCity AssessorPetrak, David R.$180.00
Finance & AdminCity AssessorDoletzky, Ryan E.$180.00
Finance & AdminFinance AdministrationCrawford, Thomas E.$350.00
Public ServicesField OperationsKonwinski, Julian M.$ 50.00
Public ServicesFleet ServicesCrum, Dennis L.$300.00
Public ServicesPublic Services AdminKulhanek, Matthew J.$300.00
Public ServicesPublic Services AdminCariano, Robert L.$300.00
Public ServicesPublic Services AdminMcCormick, Susan F.$300.00
Public ServicesSystem PlanningHupy, Craig$300.00
Public ServicesWastewater Treatment Kenzie, Earl J.$300.00
Safety ServicesFireDziubinski, Edwin J.$375.00
Safety ServicesFireHubbard, Ollice$375.00
Safety ServicesPoliceSeto, John Y.$375.00
Safety ServicesPoliceBazick, Gregory D.$375.00
Safety ServicesPoliceJones, W B.$400.00


Why are we giving so many employees such large car allowances? Why are we encouraging city employees to live outside the city by subsidizing their commuting costs? It seems that the city's policy of encouraging alternate transportation does not apply to the employees. Is it only the taxpayers that should walk or take the bus so that there would be less congestion for the city administrators?

The parking for city employees is also provided. That is one of the reason the downtown parking rates are so high. If some spaces do not contribute to the cost of the parking structure the remaining spaces must make up the difference.

Eliminating these two perks would save about enough to avoid one of the proposed police or fire fighter layoffs.

Karen Sidney

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